Episode 53

Published on:

27th Nov 2022


What if you wanted to start your own shop but don't want to own or maintain the inventory? What if your orders could be taken by one system and fulfilled by some other system? This is what dropshipping is all about.

In this week's talk, Amit and Rinat talk about Dropshipping, how it works, why we should use it, and a lot more!

Rinat Malik:

Hi, everyone. Welcome to Tech Talk, a podcast where Amit and I we talk about various technology related topics. Today's topic might be a little bit controversial because it may not be fully it might not sound like a technical topic. We're going to talk about drop shipping today. But we are going to about the technical aspects of drop shipping and what goes behind it and what makes it all work. Drop Shipping has been, you know, quite a popular word for quite a few years and now actually, it is, you know, up to the ones individual judgement, whether it's become too saturated to even do anything with it. But the technology behind it and you know, the logistics, even the business model is actually quite interesting. And it would be it would be, I think, quite informative for our audience to hear. And so we thought, okay, why not talk about this topic with a lot of business knowledge, or business passwords, or sort of hardware call it a lot of popularity in terms of business, but it has a technical aspect behind it as well. Which is, which is, you know, I would imagine quite interesting to our audience. So, yeah. So Amit what's your what's your thought on dropshipping or what is dropshipping to start with?

Amit Sarkar:

Well, thanks a lot Rinat. I actually know about dropshipping thanks to you because you set up a shop on Etsy and from there I came to know about drop shipping as a concept. Drop Shipping is a relatively new concept. And it has two aspects one is two parts to it drop and shipping. So the shipping aspect I think everyone knows in the world today, we have very famous platforms like Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, and many other websites from where you can shop online. And when you shop online, you make a payment. So you select a product, you add it to your cart, you make a payment, and then the order gets delivered to your house. Now in the normal delivery process, what happens is Amazon or Alibaba, eBay, they own the inventory. So basically, they own the they have the product with them at the time of order. So in case they don't have the product, you will not be able to order it. It's as simple as that. So that's the standard model of ecommerce when it comes to shipping. If you have the product, you can add it to the cart, you can buy it and then it can get shipped. If it is not there. You can preorder it or it shows out of it's out of stock. Okay, but in drop shipping. Now this is very interesting. So you come to my shop, I create a shop online. I create a website and you come to my shop and I never run out of products. Now how is that possible? So basically what happens is you place an order, you select the item on my shop, and then you add it to the cart and then you place the order you make the payment you place the order now. I don't own the inventory. I don't have any of that product. So let's say you've ordered a smartphone. I don't have that smartphone. Okay, I don't have that smartphone. Actually the smartphone is with someone else who's my supplier. So when the order comes to me, I give the order to the supplier the supplier ships the product to you directly. The idea behind this is that you don't have to start a shop with a lot of inventory. So basically you don't have to spend a lot of money to buy inventory. So I don't have to buy a lot of smartphones. to first create a shop. I can just contact a supplier who has a smartphone who is willing to ship it anywhere in the world. And I just need to create a shop. So basically I'm the intermediary between the customer and the supplier. That's dropshipping in short

Rinat Malik:

Yeah, that's actually quite a quite a good definition Amit. Thank you for that. And I feel like we have talked about the similar concept in some of our previous episodes, but it wasn't dedicated to dropshipping so yeah there is there is a lot of information still to be talked about. And you know, the world has evolved since the COVID times so obviously COVID has had an effect on everything. Including the online business as well as drop shipping is a part of it. So one of the things you said is, you know the you know about the stock availability and yes, you're right. So, one of the things that the if you if you consider yourself as the seller, then you know put the website up and everything and then yeah, you don't have to worry about stock and that is enabling a lot of people with no capital you know, little or no capital to start their own, you know, source of income. But when I feel it could get a lot more harmful if you automate this back end process within you know, dropshipping so let's come back to the automation part after but even just you know, as if we take it as it is at the moment. You know, you get an order in your website or in sort of, sort of platform like Amazon or Etsy you have a shop and you get an order and then you contact your warehouse or supplier and say that look, I have one order one piece and that needs to go to this address, and then they fulfil the order on your behalf and they have an agreement with you so they will they will attach to that, you know, they will say that the seller is yourself etc, etc. Now, where this could get interesting is if the vendor or the warehouse offers an API and most of these shopping platforms like Amazon FC they also offer a seller API a back end for sellers. So what happens if you communicate with these two if you are able to sort of get these two IT systems talk to each other? Then you don't have to sit around every time there is an order. It could be two o'clock in the morning because it's a global market right in Amazon. You could start selling in 10 Different countries including Japan and Mexico and two ends of the world in takes of buttons so you could have the same product sold in different you know, throughout and you don't want to be doing as soon as you get an order Amazon. You don't want to be copying all of that information and it's prompt to errors. Well, you're doing it manually, you human error is a good possibility. So and you know imagine if you are a success then you would have you know, even if you are moderate success, you would have 50 to 100 orders every day. You know we're not talking about becoming a millionaire or you know, this breaking this law suing in this in this industry, but just even you know what majority of kind of established dropshippers are doing. They have some these are number 50 to 100 zeros every 24 hours and that becomes quite a tedious task to do. Because anytime within these 24 hours, it could be every half an hour it could be continuously for eight hours and nothing after that. So and that eight hours could be the nighttime in whichever timezone you're residing in. So, this this becomes quite difficult to solve the customers the prompt service as they would expect. And to solve that what is possible to do is to automate or you know, connect the IT systems of these two platforms. It doesn't even have to be Amazon or Etsy. I mean, even if you create your own website to sell through, you could have a back end it system even through WordPress.

Rinat Malik:

That will talk to the vendor. And now obviously if the vendor is providing such IT services, then they usually mark up their products in drivingly so that you have to think about all of these things but if you really want to like you know, get full efficiency on this business model, I would recommend definitely be IT efficient in this way. So you just completely forget about it. Once it's established and obviously you have to spend a lot of time do a lot of hard work to initially set it up, you know, where your products listed and then you know, established communication of all kinds of scenarios that could happen, including refund cancellation, wrong order, whatever and then once everything is programmed and automated, then you don't have to click a single mouse click but orders will be fulfilled. And that's what I was showing Amit, about one of the things that I have as a as a side project is that I have an Etsy shop. And what's happening in the Etsy shop is I have fully automated it with the vendor API. So the vendor is connected to the Etsy shop Etsy API in the backend and whenever there is a customer placing an order, the vendor automatically gets the order details including the delivery address, and all the rest of it that they need to fulfil the item. So first of all, I have taken details that I have put in time to design all of my products and made sure with the vendor that the vendor is able to create those on demand. And then I listed it on Etsy and to be honest, being very honest, it's not it's not a like a very successful project of mine because I might not be a very good creative designer. So my designs are not very popular. But I still get you know, two or three sales every days and you know those mining profits that they make that is happening in a truly passive way because I don't have to log in to do anything anymore. Because it's fully automated. A customer places an order and it goes to the vendor, the vendor and then on to the next one, even if there are multiple ones in an hour or in a day or in a month. So that's kind of the beauty of drop shipping. I mean, the technology can make this business model a lot more efficient. Yeah,

Amit Sarkar:

I think Rinat, you gave a very good example about automation. And I think that is quite important. But let me just dial back a bit because I think for the benefit of our audience, we need to like understand, like how everything is working. So let's take the Amazon example. So suppose you go and buy a cup, a cup, like a coffee cup from Amazon. Now Amazon has the cup in stock and you place an order and the stock gets shipped to your address. Now. I mean, we talked about I think e commerce and that's where we covered all these aspects. One of the things we talked about in E commerce is affiliate marketing. In affiliate marketing, what happens is, say you come to my YouTube channel, and or our podcast, and then you and then I talk about a cup from a supplier, say Amazon. And you decide that okay, because Amit is saying or Rinat is saying or another saying I want to buy that coffee cup, and I go to Amazon to buy it. And how do you go, I provide a link and you go there and you buy it. So I get a commission. Amazon sells a product. So we are both happy, and you're happy because you get a coffee that you want to order. Now in drop shipping, what happens is it's almost same. I mean, I would say it's almost same. I'm an intermediary. I take the order and I pass it on to a supplier because I'm giving supplier an order supplier pays me a commission, but I need to host the site somewhere. So now there are a couple of options where I can host a shop. I can actually host a shop in Amazon and I can connect it to my supplier I can host it on eBay or I can host it on Etsy. I can host it on Shopify. But every model has to make sure, I mean you have to ensure that it passes the legal terms and conditions of the website that you want to host your shop in. So suppose you host your shop on Etsy. Etsy will say okay, fine. I have about 10 million customers and it seems like a shopping mall. Or shopping mall has lots of shops. So Rinat shop is one of the shops in the shopping mall, which is Etsy. So someone goes to the shopping mall, Etsy, and they go to Rinat shop, and they select a product or they just select a product they don't care who the shop shopkeeper is, they just select a product, say a coffee cup with a very nice coat which Rinat has created. And the order gets placed and it goes via the API to the supplier. Now in this case, what Rinat has done is Rinat has taken stock, I mean, Rinat has customised a coffee cup.

Amit Sarkar:

So what Renato was mentioning about automation, here, the power is initially he has to set up a shop, he has to set up okay, what's the return shop, I have some items, the items have a list price, and the items will be delivered by a certain date. And you should be able to place an order of of that particular item. Now, a coffee cup is very generic. So what Rinat does is he customises the design of the coffee cup. So a supplier says I'll give you 10 or 100, black coloured T shirts and Rinat will come up with a design that is very specific to Rinat's choice, and personal beliefs and personal life. So he will create some quotes and he'll put it on the t shirt, and that is his product. So T shirt is being made by someone. It's Rinats design, and it is hosted on Etsy. So this is all the technology enablement so you have the technology which is the shop so I don't have to now deal with multibillion dollar companies. I can simply go online, create a shop connected with a supplier. They also because you're paying them commission you don't have to pay them a subscription fee or anything. And wherever the product gets sold. The cost from that product the value that the product is I mean, it as is sold for that is used to split the cost for hosting the shop and supplying the product. And plus you get a commission say one pound or two pounds for a coffee cup which is sold for about 15 pounds or 20 pounds. So that is very powerful. I can now quickly create a shop I don't have to be a billionaire. And because everything is automated as Rinat mentioned, which is I think the key thing about drop shipping, everything is corrected automatically. I connect to the supplier, the supplier talks to Etsy. So I create the page on Etsy but in the backend, my page talks to the supplier website say Printful or or printify and there are products there, coffee cups, T shirts, bands, etc, which you can customise different colours, different designs, you can create that if it's all up to you, how you how much time you want to spend. And once the shop is set on Etsy, you get all the customers which are coming to Etsy. So the benefit of hosting on Etsy is you get the traffic. Why do people want to go to a mall shopkeepers or businessmen because there is a lot of traffic I bought traffic. So when people come through the shopping mall, if in case by mistake they cross through my shop, they see my shop, they like a product and they buy if I am at a very remote location on the internet, which where people can't find me, then I have to spend a lot of time in shouting and marketing. Etsy takes care of that. So of course the margin is quite high. But there is no person saying that you cannot set up your own shop you can set up your own shop on say Shopify. And by the way, this is not a promotion. We are not getting sponsored by any of these organisations. This is just something that we have used and that's what we are recommending. So you open a shop in Shopify, but now you don't get the traffic so you have to spend on marketing. So Shopify the cost is low, but then you have to spend time in marketing. So in case you have a traffic already coming to your platform, say through a newsletter through a podcast through a YouTube channel through a course that you've created. So you already have the traffic that traffic you can funnel to your shop to sell these products.

Rinat Malik:

Yeah, absolutely. But I mean obviously this drop shipping has been like quite a popular business model for I don't know about four or five or even seven, eight years. Now obviously, there was a gold rush period when everyone was creating accounts in Amazon and eBay and they were doing drop shipping or similar things like getting, you know, buying things in bulk from China and then you know, selling but nowadays, a lot of people kind of know it's about the business model. And a lot of the times vendors want to sell directly online with their own name with their own brand name. Why do they need you and then there are situations where dropshipping meant that you get the item from whatever item from websites like Alibaba or AliExpress in China, but that takes a lot of time shipping, wise to for the product to get in Western countries like UK, US etc. So, you know there are disadvantages and there are people who are a lot more aware now you know the buyer rather than ordering from your website or Amazon they could just go to AliExpress themselves and place the order themselves. Cheaper with the same quality product. So nowadays it has become quite competitive and saturated in the market. So one of the things they have to offer is something unique. You have to think about if you are I mean obviously this is not a business podcast, you know we're not giving you make your business successful, but it's just like something was thinking about if you are you know, by knowing the technology, if you're interested in solving one of these, then it's also advisable to think about what is it that is different for a customer to come to your shop, rather than going to AliExpress or other 100 shops that are available in Etsy or Amazon so yeah, find do something unique maybe in the way you design or maybe you know there could be other things that are about you, which is different about your shop. So those are some of the things and but yeah, in terms of the technology that goes behind it, it's basically the way I feel is there you know, we've always you know, there's a stigma around the world middleman. The middleman takes all the money and now it's necessary actually, I mean or until 10 years ago, because of the logistics the way they were a middleman or a middle person or a middle business entity was necessary because vendors made you know produced any product in bulk. So in millions, they won't have the supply chain to distribute this throughout the country or the continent or the world. And they needed someone's help logistical health who would do that for them. And we used to call them the middleman in us kind of saying that, okay, they're kind of, you know, unnecessary but they were actually very much necessary because without them we wouldn't be able to I mean, the vendors are prepared to sell in bulk because they're making a million product every day. So if they don't sell it off straightaway, they don't have a place to put them tomorrow's product. So they were very much necessary and now they're still necessary the necessity didn't go away. But what happened is the middleman companies or the middle person, organisations kind of begrudgingly. They've automated their business model so much that anyone can kind of subscribe to that business model or just copy that business model. And that's how the Drop Shipping kind of came through that anyone can be that middleman because it cannot you know a lot of it is now automated. So From that perspective this May in my head, this drop shipping was able to kind of take off and now we have it like oversaturated market.

Amit Sarkar:

Yes it is.

Rinat Malik:

But what I would say that all the other, you know, aspiring business person centred are gonna think about ways that they could differentiate from the rest but our audience hopefully are across sections of technically savvy people or at least interested in technology so they could provide things so they could enable the customer experience in different ways that the rest of the intrapreneurs might not be able to. So I would encourage that, you know, take advantage of being a tech savvy person and you know, do something technical in your in your business, so you kind of stand out from the from the rest, it doesn't have to be the customer, you know, how the customer sees your product, even that, you know, if you're building your own website, he could make it a lot more flashy, with JavaScript coding and things like that, which the rest might not be able to do or they have to hire someone who can do it. So yeah, there is there are benefits of knowing the technology and that's, that's where you can utilise it.

Amit Sarkar:

Absolutely. And I think you've made a great point that dropshipping itself has been very saturated. So basically, the topic came to my head because I was writing my newsletter and I, I and we talked about Etsy and your shop, so I got interested and I was thinking okay, so how does it work? Can I open my own shop? And then I realised Yes, it is very saturated. But I but I also then realised that there are a lot of influences Instagram, you and many other people who are actually selling their own merchandise, and I then wonder, how do they do it? And I'm guessing that it is through one of these concepts because you don't have to keep the inventory you just create design, so say an influencer like MKBHD he is one of the most popular tech YouTuber in the world with more than I think 10 to 15 million followers, I can't remember exactly. And he has created his own merchandise and then there is Linus tech tips and he has created his own merchandise. And for that, I think you what you can do is you can set up a shop, get the supplier to fold some hoodie or some T shirts, etc. And then just put your logo on it. And that is very powerful because now you're not just getting money from a YouTube has ad revenue, but you're also getting money as part of selling merchandise. Now, as Rinat saying that you know talking about creating a business or telling you how to run your business. The idea behind drop shipping is actually the whole process of automation. It's a completely new model in E commerce which we talked about, but we wanted to talk about it in more detail. Like everything is happening now online. And it has happened. Now it's possible because of the internet infrastructure. We wouldn't have been able to do it maybe a couple of years back and it has actually boomed during COVID. But now that COVID is gone, it's coming down now. So a lot of people were stuck at home. They had creative ideas and they thought, Okay, why not? Let's do this. Let's do that. We created a podcast in 2020. And we just published 50 episodes. So I mean, it's like okay, we have time, what do we do with it? And we had the experience and the knowledge and we want to share it with the world. And that's why we continue to talk about different Tech topics. dropshipping is a topic that I think anyone can start if they're interested using technology technologies like Etsy, which is a marketplace or Shopify, that enables you to open a shop with the complete billing systems and everything. So it's all completely automated. So all you have to do is think what you want to sell how you want to sell it. How do you want to accept payments, so Shopify will integrate with your PayPal account with your any Stripe account or any other payment account that you want to handle payments. In these payment accounts. In turn, they will calculate the invoice they will calculate the tax then calculate the commission. So that is all taken care of. And then you have the supplier the order goes there, the order gets updated. Then you the order gets shipped. So the customer has sent an email and the customer can get the customer can get an up to date information about where the product pays in terms of shipping, how long will it take etc. And that whole process is automated. So now you think okay in today's world where everything is all automated and everything is driven by an API, how can I sell something? In essence, selling is not just a product. I mean, it could be a service, you can give advice. You can create a digital product like a newsletter like a ebook. So I think Rinat we you have created a book on Kindle. So read that book is there. So guys, if you like what

Amit Sarkar:

Rinat and I talk about, then you should go check out his book. Which is available on Amazon Kindle. And yeah, it's a it's a great book about robotic process automation. And if you're interested, then definitely go check it out. But the idea is that all these technologies enable you to do something like I wouldn't have never thought about writing my own book because I thought it's a lot of effort . But Rinat has published a book. And that's a huge thing. In today's day and age, publishing a book is so simple, that you just need the idea, write it and there are so many websites that can get your book published. Similarly dropshipping you have so many products that you can sell, and there is a business model or an online. What do you say a concept, business concept that you can leverage to sell things online?

Rinat malik:

Absolutely feels like we are promoting ourselves.

Amit Sarkar:

Well, The whole idea is, well, the whole idea of drop shipping is that you set up your own shop. So yes, we are we are we want to promote ourselves we want to tell as many people as possible about a podcast but in the in the hope that they learn something new and it's not like okay, we just selling ourselves because we want you to buy something. No, we are not selling anything. We don't have a shop. I mean at least I don't have a shop, Rinat has a shop. It's a great shop. So do check it out. And Rinat is not paying me and I'm not paying Rinat to talk about and we don't get commissions but the whole idea is that it is possible.

Rinat malik:

And yeah. And also the Kindle book is also free for all the Kindle user. You don't have to pay to get a book so Yeah, feel free to check out but it's free for anyone who has a Kindle account.

Amit Sarkar:

So So I think Rinat, so this is less about business and sorry less about technology and more about business. But I just wanted to clarify like okay, this is in this e commerce age, and I work for a ecommerce company as well. And in the retail sector. It's very interesting concept like how you can leverage technology to sell something in the future. If we tomorrow decide to create a logo and we want to sell merchandise. Then dropshipping could be an option where we don't have to buy or worry about how do we get hoodies of different colours or how do we get t shirts of different sizes and colours? We just create a design and we just send it to a supplier and they print it and ship it.

Rinat malik:

Yeah, absolutely. And yeah to keep in mind that you know there are many ways to stand out you know, when you are sort of trying to start up your business etc. I mean, you know, the customer experience the UI experience is just one thing but you know from the beginning to and from the idea of this is the product and your research is augmented by technology could be a lot more powerful. Like if you're just at the very beginning step. If you're just choosing I want to start a business, what products should I sell, rather than you know, someone who would just go by their hunch you could create and elaborate data statistics and find out what you know from Google Analytics and other things. We've talked about many of these topics as well. So taking advantage of these tools available online and you know, adding a bit more data science into it or just you know, analysing the data with using tech. You would probably find out the exact right product for this season that should sell the most or that has the least competition and stuff like that. And that's just the start of it. And you know there every step of setting up a business dropshipping especially you know, because it's fully online has can be augmented by using technology. So yeah, I mean our again, extra promote myself and I urge you guys to check out all of our previous videos because a lot of them will touch upon various technologies which can certainly help with any business startup for example. You might think, you know, if you if you just look at a particular technology, you might not think about how can this help in my business but if you think of your particular business process, and what technology can we use to make it you know, bring a more cohesive or more logical and more transparent answer to your problem, then technology definitely can augment your answer or your processes. So definitely, you know, think that way, how can tech be involved in your logistics, business marketing, sales, calculation, etc, etc?

Amit Sarkar:

I think Rinat. I think you've said the right thing. Think about the business idea. First thing about technology is an enabler. It enables you to do something to achieve a goal. We talk about technology, but it lets us do many things. So if you look at it that way, then I think it will give you more rewards. But if you just look at okay, this is a fancy tool. This is a fancy concept and I just wanted to use it without actually thinking about the business idea or the product idea then I think you will be disappointed so it's

Rinat malik:

Exactly, and the internet is oversaturated not just dropshipping or any kind of online venture one of the month still unique ways to stand out is through technology. I mean, if you want to do a shirt design, you know you could instead of doing the design yourself there is Dolly you know ask AI to do a design for you. And that, you know, those designs have made to magazine covers, you know, they're definitely good enough for your startup business t shirt design. So, definitely, you know, there are so many innovative ways where you can connect technologies to stand out in your business. That it would be interesting I'm sure there are you know, like sort of interested people in our audience if you guys if anyone you know, ends up creating any of these as a side project or their main project to do let us know, be really happy to see how this thing progressed, how you integrate a technology that you know other people might not do instinctively and how it helped your business. So I'm looking forward to hearing from you guys on this list some if not 10, but maybe at least two or three people hopefully would make this into a reality that's easy to do. So very much encourage you guys to look into it.

Amit Sarkar:

Yeah, absolutely. And I think with technologies like dolly and stable diffusion and imaging from Google, I think it's possible. So yeah, so there are there are these technologies and I was actually thinking that maybe in one of our next talks, we should talk about the AI applications because there is now so many different types of AI with which you can do so many different things that it is going to create a new type of industry it is going to create new types of jobs and there will be new type of business ideas and business models that we will can explore and all using the power of technology. And as Rinat mentioned, get the idea first before you actually use any technology, because you might say okay, there is Dolly and let's use it. But if you are not focused about what is the end goal of using that technology, then you will never be able to sell something of value or or even create something of value. Even just experiment like I experimented I played with a text to Image tool called mid journey and I created an image but I don't know what to do with it. It's just a hobby. But if you're focusing on

Rinat Malik:

Like an NFT and publishing

Amit Sarkar:

Yes, exactly, exactly. So there are so many of these ideas that you want you can do, but you need to understand why you want to do it in the first place. It's like saying I want to automate something. So this is a new tool in the market. So let's use that tool. But you have not figured out what you want to automate.

Rinat malik:

Exactly. Yeah. So it's usually always encouraged to have a have a vision before you start, but then you know that vision will change along the journey, but at least that will let you start with towards something and then yeah, be flexible. That it will change. But yeah. So yeah, I mean, you know, it's a very interesting topic. It's quite sort of business tech related, but we wanted to sort of focus on the tech side and how it could be a game changer in any business setting the integration of different texts that are available especially in drop shipping, because you know, when I was talking to Amit was telling me how automated it is. And you know, what can we even do in future because for example, right now I'm you know, I don't I am not a very good designer, but I'm doing the designs myself in that Etsy shop, but potentially that process can also be automated. That could be a decision tree. Based automation, or it could be AI based automation like they sell related care. But yeah, I mean, how can I potentially automate based on the upcoming seasons like for example, Christmas season, it will have different kind of automation and then you know, it will sort of … this is just, you know, spitballing ideas here, for example, two months after one and a half months after this Valentine's Day, so it should change the type of design that it outputs automatically, you know, some Valentine's Day related and then there is Easter holiday. So every month there are there is one thing or another and why not do all of these. It's easy to create a calendar and automate what kind of product you want in which season including somewhere in winter and different types of products or T shirts or jackets, etc, etc. So Can these be automated? I'm sure they can be and you know, if the vendor has a variety of products, you could kind of say that, you know, these months after these items with these kinds of designs, and maybe then your shop will still be fully passive. Yet will be a lot more varied with a lot of diversity science. relevant to the current season. So yeah, there's so many ways technology's deposit can help not just drop shipping business models, but any business which is related to sort of physical products. Me actually physical products. We kind of thing that or how much generally can you release a finished product at the end of the day, but you know, there is there is still a lot more way to go. And, you know, if you are someone lazy like me, then you will want to try and automate everything. And find new ways to add technology into your life. So encourage the audience to that.

Amit Sarkar:

I think Rinat, we have to mention that it's not just about being lazy. I think you want to make the process more efficient so it takes up less of your time. So that's also important. So I know that you're putting in a lot of effort. I don't think you're lazy.

Rinat malik:

Yeah, I was just so this was like a spin on that quote from Bill Gates. I think to hire someone, liaison, someone Lizzie Yes. The smartest way to do it, but yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I set up the initial effort is definitely significant. But then you can relax after

Amit Sarkar:

Yes, and I think I think Rinat you have given a very interesting idea that use dolly or some kind of a tool to create designs for your product and then sell that online and why not? I mean, maybe then pick up maybe we should try that…

Rinat Malik:

yes, absolutely. We could even create match for our podcast. Podcasts t shirt.

Amit Sarkar:

Yes. Created by an AI.

Rinat malik:

Yes, and it could be could be available to buy worldwide through Amazon or Etsy or whatever

Amit Sarkar:

We just spoke about dropshipping and now we're talking about selling some of our own merchandise. So basically, guys, I think you get the idea why we wanted to talk about it because using technology you can quickly set up a shop you can quickly sell and ship items. And all you have to do is have an idea. As simple as that.

Rinat malik:

So yes, encourage. We wholeheartedly encourage the audience to sort of check it out. You know, even if it is saturated, you never know your idea is definitely a unique one or even make it unique by making certain weeks. So definitely do encourage you guys to check it out and potentially create one. You know, if you have very small capital and as a side project for fun. Try one create one and if it fails, then lose the very small capital. But you would learn a lot more a lot more than any sort of course in Udemy would teach you. So definitely we would strongly encourage to try it out.

Amit Sarkar:

Absolutely. And I think what Rinat mention in the beginning is API's that enables everything. And we have actually talked about API in one of the first few episodes. I think in the first five or 10 episodes we spread the second episode so yeah, so it's our second episode was API. And API is a very powerful thing. And that's actually driving a lot of these innovations in in the technology industry. So there is a lot of data coming in, that data gets stored in a database. And companies want to give access to that data in that database through API's. So they will define what you can do with that data through that API. And basically, that is an API. And if you want to hear more about what it is to listen to our podcast, but I think as Rinat mentioned, do try it out, in even if you don't sell any product, you will learn quite a lot.

Rinat malik:

Absolutely, absolutely. And yeah, with that thought, you know, keep keep coming back to us. Our episodes and you know, publish every week and hopefully we'll see you guys again next week.

Amit Sarkar:

Thank you, everyone. Bye

Rinat Malik:


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About the Podcast

Tech Talk with Amit & Rinat
Talks about technical topics for non-technical people
The world of technology is fascinating! But it's not accessible to a lot of people.

In this podcast, Amit Sarkar & Rinat Malik talk about the various technologies, their features, practical applications and a lot more.

Please follow us to hear about a popular or upcoming technology every week.

#Tech #Technology #Podcast

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Amit Sarkar - https://amitsarkar.tech/
Rinat Malik - https://rinatmalik.com/

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About your hosts

Amit Sarkar

Profile picture for Amit Sarkar
Amit Sarkar is an experienced software professional with over 18 years of industry experience in technology and consulting across telecom, security, transportation, executive search, digital media, customs, government, and retail sectors. He loves open-source
technologies and is a keen user.

Passionate about systems thinking and helping others in learning technology. He believes in learning concepts over tools and collaborating with people over managing them.

In his free time, he co-hosts this podcast on technology, writes a newsletter and learns about various aspects of software testing and AI.

Rinat Malik

Profile picture for Rinat Malik
Rinat Malik has been in the automation and digital transformation industry for most of his career.

Starting as a mechanical engineer, he quickly found his true passion in automation and implementation of most advanced technologies into places where they can be utilized the most. He started with automating engineering design processes and moved onto Robotic Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence.

He has implemented digital transformation through robotics in various global organisations. His experience is built by working at some of the demanding industries – starting with Finance industry and moving onto Human Resources, Legal sector, Government sector, Energy sector and Automotive sector. He is a seasoned professional in Robotic Process Automation along with a vested interest in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and use of Big Data.

He is also an author of a published book titled “Guide to Building a Scalable RPA CoE”